You have an E-mail List, So What’s Next ?

Abdessamad Aboutaieb
4 min readOct 19, 2020


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

The sales funnel used by successful marketers!

If you are a digital nomad or trying to be one, then there’s a good chance that you heard that the key to make a sustainable amount of money online is to have a following, in our case an e-mail list.

Many people get caught in the process of building a list, without ever thinking what’s next!

Having an e-mail list on it’s own won’t make you money, right?

Until you turn make that subscriber buy your product and turn him to a customer, you won’t make money.

Even when i knew this rule i struggled to get sales, because there’s a whole process you need to follow that i didn’t know at the time and that i learned through failure.

In marketing the market is divided to 4 types:

  1. Current market
  2. Competition market

These two markets merge together to form “Current Customers”, then there’s :

3. Potential Customers (Relative Non-Consumers)

4. Rest of the Population (Absolute Non-Consumers)

These last two market types form what we call “Non-Consumers”.

This distinction i just made is fundamental to better understand your market, therefore dominate it.

Once you understand your market and you get familiar with it, think of it as a homework, we can get into the process of turning your subscriber into a customer.

Assuming you have sent an e-mail to a subscriber trying to get him to take action on something, this subscriber is considered “OLD” in this process.

1- Indoctrination :

If you have never sent an e-mail to a subscriber than this subscriber is “NEW”.

New subscribers must go through indoctrination to convert into a sale.

Indoctrination must sound like a weird term, but in fact it’s so simple. New people need a hello, same thing goes for your new subscribers.

You need to send them a hearty welcome to build that relationship with them, and educate them on you and the things you stand for whilst adding value in a meaningful way.

After the indoctrination step, you send an e-mail with an offer.

There is a probability that that subscriber convert and turn into a sale and there is an even bigger probability that he won’t convert. This is where step 2 shines.

2- Re-engagement :

This step has for a goal winning back those lost subscribers which are considered for now as relative non-customers.

But remember don’t just unsubscribe, they stay subscribed and stop interacting with you that is the bigger deal.

A re-engagement email sequence can win them back.

And i said sequence because you wanna give people reasons to stick around not just one reason.

Sure, sending multiple re-engagement emails instead of just one seems kind of clingy or desperate, but it’s actually the opposite if done right.

One way to do this step right is to wait between 30 and 60 days after a subscriber becomes inactive, the send them 3+ different e-mails.

The third step is actually designed to make subscriber that already took action to re-take action over and over again.

3- Ascension :

This model really only requires 4 different levels of products to make it work. Think of this step as a filtering process, where only the right people for you buy your best products.

Obviously you’re going to have fewer buyers at each level, but the revenue gained from the higher priced products is well worth it.

The basic premise is to move people through your sales funnel from low to high priced products. When people start in the sales funnel, they can’t advance without buying the product in front of them.

They get introduced to the first product at an entry level price (anywhere from 10$ to 20$).When they buy, they’ll be introduced to the next product, which might be for $97.

After that, an even more expensive product ranging from $297 to $497 is appropriate for the third products. Finally, the last product in the funnel is the the top product you have. Typically, this will be $997 and up product.

It could be group coaching, personal coaching, a home study course, whatever.

Believe me if you follow this funnel not only you’re going to optimize your sales, you’re going to attract quality customers that are willing to pay good money for your products especially if your e-mails are well crafted!!



Abdessamad Aboutaieb
Abdessamad Aboutaieb

Written by Abdessamad Aboutaieb


An ambitious young freelance writer and editor. Endlessly passionate about Digital Marketing. Currently completing my M.B.A.

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